Energy Services Company

How to Shop for Utility Services

What You Should Know Before Choosing an Electricity or Natural Gas Supplier

Retail Competition

New York State opened the State’s electric and natural gas industries to competition in the 1990s. Changes in the markets have provided an opportunity for consumers to choose who provides their energy supply – either their utility or a third-party supplier know as an Energy Services Company (ESCO).

About ESCOs

What is an Energy Services Company or “ESCO”?

Why are there ESCOs in NYS?

Switching to an ESCO

Why should I consider switching to an ESCO?

ESCOs are competing for your business. As a result, there may be a wide variety of products and price options available to customers shopping for energy supply.


What happens if I decide not to switch to an ESCO?


How do I decide what ESCO is right for me?

Signing an ESCO Agreement

What are the key things I should know before signing an agreement with an ESCO?


What happens after I sign an agreement?

Are there protections for ESCO customers ?

Rules regarding ESCO marketing techniques

If an ESCO solicits you through in-person sales, the sales agent must

If there is an apparent language barrier, the sales agent must

A customer can request that the ESCO marketer leave the premises at any time.

If an ESCO contacts you by phone, the sales agent must:

A customer can terminate a call at any time.

Low Income Participant

Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) that meet certain criteria set forth by the Department of Public Service may petition the Commission to serve low income customers in New York State. If you are a low income customer, also known as Assistance Program Participant or APP customer, and would like to find out if an ESCO serves in your service territory, you can click on the "I Am a Low Income Participant" box on the Power to Choose home page and enter your zip code for a listing of approved providers. 


ESCOs Approved to Serve Low Income Customers


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